Level 4 Kanji - Printer-friendly list - Vertical Format
are all 80 kanji needed for the JLPT Level 4, in no particular order. Feel free
to print this out and use it as a reference for your own studies. You can use
this format to practice writing the kanji, although you might want to wait until
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ICHI / ITSU / hito / hito(tsu) - one

NI / futa / futa(tsu) - two

SAN / mi / mi(tsu) / mit(tsu) - three

SHI / yo / yo(tsu) / yot(tsu) / yon - four

GO / itsu / itsu(tsu) - five

ROKU / mu / mu(tsu)/ mut(tsu) - six

SHICHI / nana / nana(tsu) - seven

HACHI / ya / ya(tsu) / yat(tsu) - eight

KYUU / KU / kokono / kokono(tsu) - nine

JUU / to / too - ten

SHOU / JOU / a(garu) / a(geru) / ue / kami / nobo(su) /
nobo(seru) /nobo(ru) - up, above

BU / FUN / BUN / wa(keru) / wa(kareru) / wa(karu) -
minute, divide, part, understand

CHOU / naga(i) - chief, long

CHUU / naka - middle, in

TAI / DAI / oo(kii) - big

SHUTSU / da(su) / de(ru) - leave, put out

DEN - electricity

EN / maru(i) - yen, round

GAI / GE / soto / hazu(su) / hazu(reru) / hoka -

GAKU / mana(bu) - learning / to learn

GATSU / GETSU / tsuki - moon, month

GO - noon

GO / KOU / ato / ushi / oku / nochi - after, back

TOU / higashi - east

HOKU / kita - north

HON / moto - book, main

HYAKU - hundred

NYUU / i(ru) / i(reru) / hai(ru) - enter, put in

JI / toki - time

JIN / NIN / hito - person

JO / NYO / ME / onna - woman

KAN / KEN / aida / ma - interval, between

KEN / mi(ru) / mi(eru) / mi(seru) - see

KI / KE - gas, spirit

KIN / KON / kane - money, gold

KOKU / kuni - country

KIN / KON / ima - this, now

GYOU / KOU / i(ku) / yu(ku) / okona(u) - go, act,

KOU - school

KOU / taka(i) - high, expensive

KA / GE / o(riru) / o(rosu) / kuda(saru) / kuda(su) /
kuda(ru) / sa(garu) / sa(geru) / shita / shimo / moto - down, under, lower

MAN / BAN - ten thousand

BOKU / MOKU / ki - tree, wood

U / ame - rain

FU / chichi - father

TO / DO / tsuchi - soil

GO / kata(ru) / kata(rau) - language, word, tell

BO / haha - mother

HAN / naka - half

SA / hidari - left

KA / hi - fire

BUN / MON / ki(ku) / ki(koeru) - hear

MAI - every

YUU / migi - right

KA / nani / nan - what?

DAN / NAN / otoko - man

MYOU / MEI / na - name

HAKU / BYAKU / shiro / shiro(i) - white

SHOKU / ta(beru) / ku(u) / ku(rau) - eat, food

TEN / ama / ame - heavens

YUU / tomo - friend

KYUU / yasu(mu) / yasu(maru) / yasu(meru) - rest

TOKU / DOKU / yo(mu) - read

NAN / minami - south

NEN / toshi - year

JITSU / NICHI / ka / hi - day, sun

RAI / ku(ru) / kita(su) / kita(ru) - come

SAI / SEI / nishi - west

SAN / yama - mountain

SEI / SHOU / i(kiru) / i(kasu) / i(keru) / u(mareru) /
u(mu) / o(u) / ha(eru) / ha(yasu) / ki / nama - life, birth, be born

SEN / chi - thousand

SEN / kawa - river

SEN / saki - ahead

SHA / kuruma - vehicle, wheel

SHI / SU / ko - child

SHO / ka(ku) - write, book

SHOU / chii(sai) / ko / o - small

SUI / mizu - water

WA / hana(su) / hanashi - speak, talk

ZEN / mae - before, front